- contact the French or Chinese coordinator:
. Prof. GU Hongliang: Click [DOC - 33 Ko]Proposals must include:
1/ Incubating Projects: New projects
- a completed application form to be downloaded from the JoRISS
- a description of the project not exceeding 4 pages and including all
crucial information, such as: brief history of previous and/or existing
collaborations, agenda of realization of the project, detailed list of
involved investigators, specific relevance of a Sino-French
cooperation, originality in the field, expected scientific and
institutional impacts, long term perspectives and potential beyond
launching period…;
- a letter of commitment by the two co-directors of the project to
actively secure the complementary seed funding mentioned in the
- a detailed budget, specifying the breakdown of the total amount into
standard category of expenses (travel, stay, instruments…) and the
anticipated distribution of expenses between France based
investigators and China based investigators;
- a short curriculum vitae of the two project leaders emphasizing their
scientific competences and achievements related to the project.
2/ Incubating Projects: Continuing projects
- a detailed report on the scientific realization of the initial project since
its official starting date (not exceeding 4 pages);
- an update on the different adjustments that might have been
introduced in the project since its selection (not exceeding 2 pages);
- an update on the financial situation of the project, detailing the use of
previously obtained JoRISS funds, and the amount and nature of
complementary funding actually secured;
- a document motivating the solicitation of additional seed funding from
JoRISS and detailing its destination.
3/ Developing Projects:
First application:
- a completed application form to be downloaded from the JoRISS website;
- a presentation of the project including (not exceeding 10 pages):
a/ an updated general scientific and organizational presentation of the project
b/ a detailed presentation of the incubation phase: research activities, results
obtained, publications, funding conditions
c/ a 2 year work program
d/ a presentation of the funding situation.
Renewal (every 2 years):
- an updated summary of the scientific and organizational presentation of the project
- a presentation of the research work accomplished over the past two years (2014 and 2015)
- a presentation of the work program for the years 2016 and 2017
- a presentation of the present funding situation
Proposal must be submitted to in PDF format only.